What to do about water veins in the bedroom 

What you need to know about water veins in the bedroom and what really helps.

By Alain Pünnel
Radiästhet with over 25 years of experience. Certified Personal & Business as well as Hypno-Coach

This article includes 3 main points, to which you can navigate directly by clicking. 

Total reading time: 6 minutes

  • What is a water vein actually?
  • What is the effect of water veins in the bedroom?
  • A water vein was found under my bed - what can I do now?

"Almost everyone has heard the term water veins but also earth rays. Since we can not see them, this subject is very difficult for many to grasp."

In short:

Not only water veins, but also various types of earth rays and E-smog have a great influence on our health and are thus a problematic disturbance factor, especially in the sleeping area.

In order not to go beyond the scope of this article, we will limit ourselves to the topic of water veins in this article. An overview of various types of radiation will be published separately in the near future. This will be linked here as soon as it is online.

So back to the topic:

Simplified illustration of water veins running under a house. Illustration: Lena Weilharter

What is a water vein actually?

Geologically, water veins are, simply put, "flowing groundwater". But they also occur in deviant forms: Water crossings, fissures, "deposits," faults, fractures, etc. are already familiar to many. In essence, however, we speak here, to keep it a little simpler simply from the collective term "water veins".

"Water veins themselves do not radiate - but they influence the natural radiation fields that surround us".

The earth itself is surrounded by a natural radiation field, which is composed of natural earth radiation and earth magnetic fields (geodynamo). Water veins themselves do not emit radiation, but they have a strong influence on these natural radiation fields.

While above the actual water vein itself the radiation even decreases, there is as an interaction in the peripheral areas of a water vein a steep-flanked radiation increase of up to 60% in relation to the "normal value".

Also the flow velocity and the depth of the running water veins (or crossings of more than one water vein) have in interaction with this natural earth radiation a substantial influence on the developing stress zones (mostly simply called interference zones).

If these interference zones affect us directly and over a longer period of time, one thing happens above all: they extract energy from the organism.

Depending on the course of the water vein, it may be that only a small part of the bed is affected. Illustration: Lena Weilharter

What is the effect of water veins in the bedroom?

"Depolarization occurs in the cells of the human organism."

The term depolarization is synonymous with an "excitation of the cell" which inevitably leads to a loss of energy in the cell. In the worst case, this loss of energy leads to the homeostasis (self-healing) of the body getting completely out of joint.

The body tries to rebuild the energy it has lost in order to repolarize or regenerate itself. To do this, it releases stress hormones (cortisol) and the production of the sleep hormone melatonin is permanently disturbed as a result.

These factors lead to a long-term imbalance of the hormone system. If this situation lasts longer (as is the case with 8 hours of sleep), the body is no longer able to establish a balance.

The consequences are known to many people nowadays and usually appear as inflammations, which in these cases can then develop into various diseases. In addition, there are concentration problems, sleep disorders, tension, back and neck pain, headaches up to migraines, neuronal problems, permanent states of exhaustion, circulatory problems as well as disturbed cell regeneration and fertility problems.

The fact that we ideally spend at least 8 hours a day in our bed illustrates the immense importance of a "trouble-free" place to sleep.

Water veins running under the bed not only deprive you of sleep, but in the long run can make you really sick. That's why you should act.

A water vein was found under my bed - what can I do now?

Depending on whether a water vein has already been detected in your home in the sleeping area or whether you are simply suffering from the appropriate symptoms and would like to finally take action, there are essentially 2 ways in which you can improve your situation:

1. move bed:

Many radiesthesists, dowsers and geomancers still recommend moving the bed. This can be a quite effective method, in order to go a water vein from the way.

This should be made then in any case before the Umstellen of an expert exactly in your course - only in such a way can also be really eruiert, to what extent the position of the bed must or can be changed.

  • Advantage: A very inexpensive solution and may be effective for water veins.
  • Disadvantage: Depending on how the water vein runs, simply moving the bed or even changing the room is often not possible.

2. harmonize radiation:

Among geomancers, dowsers & Co existed for a long time the widespread view that it is not possible to harmonize water veins sufficiently, which is why it was usually advised to move the bed.

And this for an understandable reason: For one thing, for many years there were repeated attempts to harmonize interference zones at the sleeping place, which in the end could not keep what they promised. On the other hand, the few solutions that really work are usually immensely expensive.

Fortunately, the last years have brought some further developments on the market. In the meantime, there are solutions that completely overlay water veins with harmonic frequencies and thus make them tolerable for the organism again without devouring 1 month's salary.

One of these solutions is e.g. the ALPHA ENERGY Sleeping Place Harmonizer. (By click to the product)

Theadvantage of this harmonization solution is not only that it is not necessary to move the bed - other disturbing factors such as various earth grids and e-smog loads in the sleeping area are also completely harmonized.

For this solution a previous determination by an expert is not absolutely necessary, since it can be used also as a layman simply. Due to the low price of 54 € and a 30-day money-back guarantee, one can test in this way also quite uncomplicatedly, which effects a completely cleaned sleeping place has on the own well-being.


Even if earth radiation in and of itself is something quite normal and basically harmless, interference zones caused by water veins can lead to increased stress for the organism. In everyday life and on the road, there is no reason to worry about it - only places where you spend a long time, you should take a closer look. (sleeping place, couch, workplace...)

Here, the continuous stress can lead to long-term consequences for the health and it is better to act sooner rather than later. In order to do this, you have the possibility to have interference zones detected by a professional and then, depending on the situation, to change the position of your bed, workplace, etc..

So-called harmonization plates are also very suitable here - these can be easily attached to the sleeping place or under chairs without prior measurement and thus harmonize radiation influences completely (moving the bed etc. is not necessary). Another advantage is the harmonization of electrosmog and WLAN radiation.

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