Bovis units simply explained

What you should know about the measuring unit of vital energy and how you can benefit from this knowledge in everyday life.

By Helmut Meyer
Kinesiologist, life-energy consultant, human energeticist, geobiology, holistic radiesthesist, seminar leader.

This article comprises 4 main points to which you can navigate directly by clicking.

  • What are Bovis units and what are they used for?
  • Bovis values and health - Easily explained.
  • Meaning in everyday life? What has how many Bovis units?
  • Recommendations for everyday life - How to increase your Bovis value!

"We owe the realisation that vital energies of places, substances and organisms can be measured to the Frenchman Alfred Bovis."

What are Bovis units and what are they used for?

Let us begin with perhaps the most important question: What are Bovis units?

In short, Bovis units are a unit of measurement for life energy (also known to many as Prana or Chi). The origin of this value lies, as is so often the case, in the research of a scientist after whose name it was named. The Frenchman Alfred Bovis was a physicist and lived from 1871 to 1947. Thanks to Bovis' research, it is now possible to record the life energy in values, which for a long time was considered unproven.

The recording of the vital energy of food is of great importance and also the vital radiation in the human being itself is of particular importance. It is also important, for example, to measure the Bovis units of substances with which our body comes into contact in order to get a picture of the influences they have on our body. 

The classical measurement according to Alfred Bovis is done by means of a biotensor and is carried out by experienced radiesthesists, energeticists and kinesiologists. In the meantime, however, a wide variety of methods have become established in the different fields: Please feel free to contact your energeticist, kinesiologist, radiesthesist, ... of your confidence.

Increase your Bovis value!

With the ALPHA-ENERGY® Energy Card (52,000BE) you can directly increase the Bovis value of your own body or significantly increase the values of food and drinks within minutes.

Learn more

"In the average healthy person, life energy is between 7,000 and 10,000 Bovis units."

Bovis values and health:

One can draw conclusions about health on the basis of the body bovis units. And just as with humans, it is possible to check other organisms, objects and substances, but also places, to see whether they give or take away energy and thus have a detrimental or beneficial effect on the health of each individual.

The standard Bovis value of a healthy average person is between 7,000 and 10,000 Bovis units. However, the value 6500 Bovis units is often used as a neutral value, which we will assume in the following explanations. But what does this mean exactly and what happens when we come into contact with "energy sources" that are above or below this value?

Illustration based on food:

What better example than our food - after all, we consume it on average 3 times a day and thus expose ourselves to its energy level.

Based on our previously mentioned guideline value, which states that a healthy person has a neutral value of 6500 Bovis units, let's now imagine that the constant intake of food, which only has 1000 Bovis units, has a direct impact on our state of health. Sounds like it would do more harm than good? And so it is.

So what happens when we feed our body something higher than 6500 Bovis units? It is quite simple. The body also starts to take on a higher value. You can feel this directly. You simply feel better.

Toput it in a nutshell, this means:

If the human body is given food that has less BE than the body itself (i.e. less than 6500 BE), then this food robs the body of its energy and thus weakens the body. If, on the other hand, the body is fed foods that have more FAs than the body itself (i.e. more than 6500 FAs), then the body receives constructive energy and is thus strengthened. 

under 6000 BE: energy-consuming
6500 BE: (Neutral value / healthy person)
Over 6,500 BE (energy giving)

Importance in everyday life. What has how many BE?

Now that we know what influence life energy has on our organism, we must of course be aware that we are constantly surrounded by energy. And it definitely can't hurt to have a small overview of common reference values in order to protect ourselves effectively from energy thieves:

Guideline values for foodstuffs:

The normal range of so-called foods is between 6,000 and 9,000 BE. (Between 9,000 and 12,000 BE one speaks of food. Foods that exceed 12,000 BE already have the character of healing vibrations due to their strong energy-guiding effect).

The values of stimulants, such as industrial sweets and alcohol, are between 3,000 and 6,000 BE. (Distilled water also falls into this category).

So much for the theory...

Unfortunately, in tests in various supermarkets, values of 1,000 BE on average are measured again and again. It should be noted that 1,000 BE only represent the residual energy of an object. It has practically no life energy left and therefore acts on our body like poison.

Here are a few of the main factors that can lead to such values:

  • Non-organic cultivation
  • Cultivation in monocultures
  • Long transport routes
  • Long storage on the supermarket shelf
  • Long or incorrect storage at home

In complete contrast, good values have been shown for harvests from one's own garden. There, the value of vegetables and fruit is up to 20,000 Bovis units. You are what you eat takes on a very special meaning.

Supermarket 1.000 BE
BIO garden cultivation 20,000 BE

Increase your Bovis value!

With the ALPHA-ENERGY® Energy Card (52,000BE) you can directly increase the Bovis value of your own body or significantly increase the values of food and drinks within minutes. 

Learn more

Guideline values at places of power:

Places where a particularly high energy supply takes place are called power places. These places often reach 13,000 to 14,000 BE. In the Chartres labyrinth, values of 18,000 BE have even been measured. 

Guide values water:

Of course, one important aspect must not be missing in this context. This is water. Water has a special position, because apart from air, there is nothing we need more urgently for survival and therefore consume daily:

Water is one of the strongest information stores of all. See also the research of Dr. Masaru Emoto. Using ice crystals, he was able to prove that water has a memory. Water stores everything it comes into contact with or is exposed to. Of course, this information also has a Bovis value and each of these also has its very own. It is not only the contact with something that plays a role, but also how it flows.

Let's take a look at our tap water. Through the many pipes it no longer has a natural direction of flow and loses its natural vitality and also all the information that was given to it by the earth and the sun.

So it arrives with a very low value of only 1000 - 4000 Bovis units. We drink this water every day. We shower and bathe with it, through which the body naturally also absorbs it. The human body consists of about 80 % water.

So you can very well imagine how important it is to drink well-structured and informed water. Structured water also automatically has a higher Bovis value. 

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Protect your sleeping space!

The ALPHA-ENERGY® Sleeping Place Harmonizer (52,000BE) not only significantly raises the Bovis value of your body in the sheep, but also frees your sleeping area from energetic sleep robbers such as water veins, earth rays, e-smog and much more.

Test now 30 days risk free

Recommendations for everyday life: How to increase your Bovis value

Now that we know what effects Bovis values can have on our health and have been able to gain an initial overview of what values are reached by things that surround us, the big question naturally arises: What can I pay attention to in everyday life and what can I do to keep my body's own energies as high as possible?

The short answer:
In everyday life, we should surround ourselves with things that have the highest possible Bovis values and eat food that is as high in quality as possible.

In practice, however, this often proves more difficult than expected. Humans have meanwhile distanced themselves very far from their nature. Almost nothing that surrounds us today is natural. Low-quality food, radiation pollution in the form of e-smog, water veins and earth rays, and too little exercise in untouched, real nature are eating away at our health. 

Concrete measures for everyday life:

More movement - more nature:

Treat yourself and your body to this time out. I don't think it needs to be explained in more detail how positive a long walk through the woods is for your own well-being, because everyone knows this feeling. You just have to remind yourself of it more often and - SIMPLY DO IT ;)

The choice of food:

If possible, choose organic produce from small farms or, in the best case, grow your own vegetables in the garden. I am aware that this is much easier said than done. Nevertheless, we must bear in mind how massively we influence our health.

After all, most of us eat at least 3 times a day.

So you also make a decision for or against your own health three times a day. In order to make everyday life a little easier, however, there are now actually ways to bring foods with low Bovis values back up to a high energetic level.

So-called "energy cards" can simply be placed under food and drinks before consumption and raise their Bovis value many times over within minutes. You can find more information here. The practical thing is, you can carry these cards with you at all times, no matter where you are. So even in stressful everyday life it is no problem to enhance your nutrition.


You may have guessed it already: meditation is similar to walks in nature. Here, too, the same rule applies - conquer your inner weakness and simply take time for yourself. It pays off. After meditation, people often achieve Bovis values of over 20,000 BE.

Minimise radiation exposure:

Here we come to perhaps the most difficult part. Negative-impact radiation surrounds us in today's society no matter where we go.

Since advice such as - don't use a smartphone - is superfluous these days for understandable reasons, we should at least make sure that the exposure in our own homes is as low as possible.

For example, interference suppression stickers that can harmonise the negative effects of radiation are suitable for this purpose. However, the information on this topic would go beyond the scope of this article. It is best to take a look here --> Interference suppression stickers.

In the meantime, there are also solutions for the often considerably negative influence of water veins, earth rays and also electrosmog in the sleeping area. So-called harmonisation plates are suitable for this purpose, which can harmonise or neutralise negative effects on a certain area. This is a simple and practical way to protect yourself during the whole night from radiation such as water veins, earth rays or e-smog. There is also more detailed information on this subject. --> Harmonisation of the sleeping place

Conclusion: Even though it is certainly not an easy thing to do nowadays, there are ways to keep one's Bovis level as high as possible and thus lay the foundation for more health in one's life.

Increase your Bovis value!

With the ALPHA-ENERGY® Energy Card (52,000BE) you can directly increase the Bovis value of your own body or significantly increase the values of food and drinks within minutes. 

About the product

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DE_Schlafplatz_Mach dein Bett zur harmonischen Zone.jpg__PID:923107d7-e1c1-4647-9e12-e2be4f0047d3

Protect your sleeping space!

The ALPHA-ENERGY® Sleeping Place Harmonizer (52,000BE) not only significantly raises the Bovis value of your body in the sheep, but also frees your sleeping area from energetic sleep robbers such as water veins, earth rays, e-smog and much more.

Test now 30 days risk free


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